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How does "Facebook page live video" widget works?
Here's how the Facebook page live video widget works. Your live video must have a title or description. If your page is live, the live video will be displayed. SociableKIT can detect a live video in 1-5 minutes after you go live on Facebook. If your page is not live, it will display this message: We are not live right now. If your page is not live, and you checked the "Show latest video if not live" option, it w
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How to find Facebook group ID?
For example, your Facebook group is found in this link: Based on the link, the numerical 363927216972942 is your group ID. Here is the screenshot:
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How to add higher quality thumbnail for Facebook video?
Go to your video on Facebook. Select the "Video options" button. 3. On the pop-up, go to the "Change thumbnail". 4. Click the "Upload Image" button to upload a higher-quality thumbnail image. 5. Click the Save button.
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How to display a Facebook private group post?
Unfortunately, we cannot display posts from a private group. Facebook does not allow to get data from private groups due to privacy matters. If you still have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
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How to find Facebook Album ID?
Here's how to find a Facebook album ID: Those numbers are your Facebook album ID. You can also check our blog
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