How to update my payment method?
On the sidebar, click Subscriptions Plan details Change payment method. A pop-up will appear, you will have the option to update your Card or use your PayPal account. If you choose "Card", a form where you will enter your new card details will appear. Enter your new card's details and click "Update Card Details" button. If you choose PayPal, login to your PayPal account and authorize thSome readersHow to add address to receipt?
You can add an address to your receipt or invoice. Here's how: Go to Subscription Invoice section Click View button of the transaction. On the Receipt page, click the Add address. A popup will appear, enter your address details on the field. Click the Save button.Few readersWhere can I find my invoice?
Login to SociableKIT account. On the left sidebar menu, click Subscriptions. 3. A dropdown will appear, enter the option Invoices. 4. On the right side are the list of your invoice. 5. Click the 'View' button to check your invoice.Few readersCan I have the invoice sent to my email every month?
Every payment charges on your account are being sent to your email on the same day the payment is made. For monthly plans, the invoice will be sent to your email every month . For annual plans, the invoice will be sent to your email every year. Here's also an article where you can find your invoice.Few readersHow can I download my invoice?
To download your invoice, please check the following steps: Go to your Invoice setting. Click the View option to open your invoice in a new tab. On the page, type Ctrl + P on your keyboard. This popup will appear. Choose the Destination as Save as PDF then save. Done!Few readersDo you have a process of removing tax from our subscription fee?
Yes. You can certainly have the sales tax refunded. Please provide us the following information: Subscription plan order Tax exemption certificate Send this to our email at [email protected] and one of the team will message you with the refunded sales tax.Few readersDo you accept any kind of payment method?
We accept credit card payments and Paypal. If you require any further information, let us know here.Few readersIs it possible to buy a subscription plan with no auto-renewal?
Yes, it is possible to buy a subscription plan with no auto-renewal. If you buy a monthly or annual plan and do not want an auto-renewal, you can cancel your account anytime. This way your account will not be charge for future payments. Click here for more inforFew readersAre you charging all your customers GST or any indirect tax outside of your local country?
Yes and it depends on the country. Our payment partner Paddle is based in the United Kingdom. They are processing all our payment transactions. They are also registered in some countries to collect sales tax. Here's their full list of countries/regions that they collect VAT/Sales tax from this FAQ: Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.Few readersCan I change the email address of my subscription plan?
No, it is not possible to change the email address or billing address that you used when you subscribe. Here's a screenshot of the email address or billing address that you will use when you subscribe: If you want to change the email address that you used on your subscription plan, you will have to subscribe to the same plan again with a new different email address that you prefer. Once you have subscriFew readers