Why are my Google Reviews are showing the same date?
Google does not provide us the exact date. When the post is old, they give us the date information in "ago" format, they do not give us the exact date and time of the review. For example "1 month ago", "2 months ago", "1 week ago". What the SociableKIT system does is, it computes the current date minus the "time ago". For example, the date today is December 27, 2023. Your 1 month ago Google review on Google will show November 27 in the SociableKIT feed. Review from Google: (https://Few readersWhy my business is not showing up in Google location search?
Your Google place must have a red marker set. If not, please edit your Google place listing. Here's a tutorial: https://support.google.com/business/answer/2853879 Please make sure your business must look like this on Google map.Few readersHow to find Google Play app ID?
Here’s how to find the ID of your app on Google play: Using your web browser, go to your app on Google play. On your browser’s address bar, look for the text after “/apps/details?id=” Copy the value because that is your Google play app ID. Here's a screeshot: You can also check our blog post for more details.Few readersWill SociableKIT able to get new reviews from my Google place?
Yes, our Google reviews widget will get new reviews from the Google place you specified. However, the feed only updates every 24-hours so if you have new review, it will display after the sync schedule. If you still have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.Few readersCan I add the Zillow reviews widget to my Google business profile?
No, it is not possible to add or import the Zillow reviews widget to your Google business profile. For more information, please visit: https://support.google.com/business/thread/1880438/merging-zillow-reviews-to-google-business-page?hl=en Example from Google (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/9a0e4Few readers