Articles on: PAGE & TOKEN

With Token vs No Token

On our Facebook page events widget, you have the choice if you want to use a Facebook page access token or not. Here's the difference.

With token:

Events feed will update every hour.
Only the events your page has created or co-hosted will be displayed.
It can display all upcoming events that your page has created or co-hosted.
Starting and ending date&time of events will be displayed.
It will show past events from the last 3 months.

No token:

Events feed will update every 24 hours.
It can display up to 50 upcoming events only.
Events will be displayed even if your page did not create or co-hosted the events.
Only the first two events of recurring event will be displayed.
Only the event's starting date&time will be displayed consistently.
It will show upcoming events only.

Updated on: 03/13/2024

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