How to link SociableKIT from Smugmug website?
Unfortunately, SmugMug does not allow embed code. In order to use your widget feed, you will need to add a link from your SmugMug website.
To add a new link, please check these steps:
There are two panels in your Menu bar, Basic and Links. Go to the LINKS field.
Click the [ + ] sign to add a new link.

After adding a New Link, you'll need to name it. This is the text that appears on your menu bar as a clickable button.

Choose Custom URL to link to a page or website that isn't part of your SmugMug site.
To get the link:
Go to your SociableKIT widget feed dashboard > Embed on website button > Link > click the Copy button.

In the Custom URL:
Paste the link you copied in your widget feed dashboard.

The Open link on new tab must be turn ON.

Click the Preview button and then Publish. Done!
You can also visit our SmugMug tutorial here. Let us know if you need further assistance.
To add a new link, please check these steps:
There are two panels in your Menu bar, Basic and Links. Go to the LINKS field.
Click the [ + ] sign to add a new link.

After adding a New Link, you'll need to name it. This is the text that appears on your menu bar as a clickable button.

Choose Custom URL to link to a page or website that isn't part of your SmugMug site.
To get the link:
Go to your SociableKIT widget feed dashboard > Embed on website button > Link > click the Copy button.

In the Custom URL:
Paste the link you copied in your widget feed dashboard.

The Open link on new tab must be turn ON.

Click the Preview button and then Publish. Done!
You can also visit our SmugMug tutorial here. Let us know if you need further assistance.
Updated on: 08/28/2022
Thank you!